Monday, September 25, 2023


 What Should I Wear 

Depends on the shoot to be honest. Here are a few options in which I have placed in Pinterest boards. These are just a few ideas you can play off of.

Men :
Boudoir :


How Long Will This Take

Sessions last 1 hour at the location of choice. If you feel you will need more time please let me know your ideas and we can talk more about how much time we will need. Additional hours are only $100 extra per hour. 

My Kids Might Be Fussy

Yeah, and so are mine... all the time. I have patience and this is why we need a full hour. If you feel your child needs more than an hour to cooperate please let me know. If they just need a little more time to scope out the location and feel comfortable I advise you to show up 15-20 minutes earlier so they can scavenge around before the shoot. 

Remember its more about having fun for them than capturing a specific pose, no child is like another one so we can't control if they do specific poses. Most we can do is before the shoot start practicing and reward them when they get it right. This way the shoot runs along a lot smoother and you will get more images to choose from. 

BRING SNACKS AND WATER to the shoots, when kids get fussy having a treat actually helps the situation a lot faster than "we will go get ice-cream afterwards so please just smile" approach. 

How Much Is It!? Its not like I'm going to print them

Sessions are considered investments. If you invest in a phone, a pair of glasses, even some shoes then why is it so difficult to invest in memories. My sessions start at $300, they can be as simple or we can upgrade your package with the a la carte option and include whatever you need extra.

When we are a lot older its a beautiful thing to pass down memories from one generation to another. 

I always recommend you print the images even if its not through me, the times are changing and I was recently asked "How can I get my images out of some old negatives"? I have images in floppy disks which I have no clue how to ever open again. CD's will also one day be a thing of the past, the new thing now is the thumb drive/hard drive. Those options can also crash and you can lose your images. Always keep the files on hard drives as a back up but please consider printing your images even if its on a small album where you can now have them printed with multiple images on a page. 

What if I only want 3-10 images? Is it cheaper?

Nope, unfortunately I can't promise you will feel comfortable or like the first 3-10 images. Imagine how many selfies you take before you post the one you like. Same thing with me, we can take 100-200 images in 1 sitting and even though you might not need that many you will have options to choose from. Out of 100 images usually only 5-10 images are considered the "best" from the group. 

I edit the best 5 images from the whole session and with those edits I reduce excess areas on our body that we don't like, fix the lighting, take out items in the images that distracts us like the trash can in the back and/or even people. 

How Long Until I Receive My Pictures

I understand you are super excited and the next process for me might not be the fastest. Literally after EVERY shoot the first question is "when can we expect these pictures".  I will have the images up on a gallery and sent to your email no longer than the first 7 days unless there are power outages or a recent passing. 

Edits take no longer than 6 weeks to have up on the gallery. If you need an edit immediately please let me know before hand so I can focus on that 1 edit first. 

I Can Do My Own Makeup Right??

Reason we photographers recommend makeup artists is because the camera tends to bring out EVERY detail and every wrinkle. If you know about makeup please feel free to do your own. If you use "regular every day makeup" then please consider the additional help with a professional makeup artist. There are no snapchat filters in real life, with out the correct application you will look washed out. Makeup Artists(MUA's) know what foundation isn't going to make you look super shiny as well as they can intensify your eyes. If you are investing in a memory lets make sure it looks the best. 

What if it rains?

Hey, its Miami... who knows what will happen right?? We can plan a pretty picnic but we can't ever predict the weather. One week in advance I will look at the weather forecast and we will have a slight inside on how the day is predicted. Only 24 hours before will we know more or less the chances of having a good or bad day. Here we will be in contact and see what are the chances in continuing. I always wake up extremely early the day of to make sure the radar shows if everything is clear. 

If the day of its a little cloudy that is more than fine, we have an hour to play with. If the day is dark and looks gloomy in my opinion we should reschedule because I don't want you to have grainy images. 

Unless you are open and its not thundering we can shoot in the rain! It might not be the bright happy pictures but sometimes these out of the norm pictures have a depth to them and we can make it work. ALL UP TO YOU! 

Any other questions please feel free to contact me, no question is too small. 

What can I say about Annette? 

She came to me looking for some new professional headshots, of course I assisted her through the initial process and we figured out dates and outfits. Here came the day! I can't tell you how sweet Annette is, her personality shines out of her like a ray of light. She is a Psychiatrist and needed some new images for LinkedIn. She explained to me how devastating her last photoshoot was and that its been a while since she tried again. The last photographer left her with all images and no edits, he said edits were not included and ghosted her afterwards. She felt the images were awkward and she didn't really like them. 

Can I tell you... 

She Rocked it! 

Through out the process, I allow my clients to see the images so we can tweak whatever needs to be fixed. Straight out of the camera she was jumping with joy, she was so happy that she honestly got emotional. It was so sweet! Girl please don't cry, don't mess-up that pretty makeup. She couldn't stop saying how I was able to capture who SHE WAS. This wasn't a stand here pose and smile awkward type of session, She was comfortable and  confident and it showed in all the images. 

Thank you for trusting me through it all. 

Till the next shot <3

Monday, January 16, 2017

Valentines Day is coming up!

E.Perez Photography's Boudoir Marathon

Valentines Day is slowly creeping up on us and what better way to surprise your hunny
than with something sexy to spice things up!
Don't think this is only given as gifts to your boo-thang, do this as a confidence builder and show yourself how sexy you truly are. 
You have always wanted some sexy images but have always pushed it back due to what? 
Are you afraid of what you will look like?? You are BEAUTIFUL!! Let me show you! 

Give it up, stop the excuses & book now! 

There will be two settings, you may choose your poison between Bed & Bath.  Here is a sneak peek of what to expect....

If you choose Bed

Be a little discrete if you please, 


Or you can be a little daring. 


If you Choose Bath

You can choose between regular bath or a milk bath

Allow your innocence to shine through with light colors


Or show your boldness with a pop! You don't even have to be fully undressed for a sexy image.


Now that I have your attention, think you would like to give it a try?? Lets try not to break the bank during these crazy times, I have brought down the price to persuade you to come out of your shell.

If you are ready and confident lets skip the mumbo jumbo and book this already! 

From Jan 15 - Jan 29th 

Sign up for a 40 min session which will include:

Simply Seductive Package      $100.00
  • Choice between bed or bath scene 
  • 2 week personal online password protected gallery with all low res. images 
  • 3 of your favorite images fully edited & in high res. 

Bold and Sexy Package          $175.00

  • Choice between bed or bath scene 
  • Glass of Champagne and fruits
  • 2 week personal online password protected gallery with all high res. images 
  • 5 of your favorite images fully edited & in high res. 

50 Shades Package                $225.00

  • BOTH  bed & bath scene (20 min each set)
  • Glass of Champagne and fruits for each set
  • 2 week personal online password protected gallery with all high res. images 
  • 10 of your favorite images fully edited & in high res. 

To keep the prices low this year we will be shooting out of my house instead of booking a hotel or studio. All images have been shot in my bedroom and bathroom. Please email E.Photography3@gmail or text 786-565-2315 to book your session. I require $50 non refundable deposit to book your time frame. To see more images please visit or on instagram @Eperezphotography 

You may email me with ALL questions regarding this shoot. Once you book you can send me images of what you are planning on wearing and I can help you pick out the best outfit. 


Please consider getting your nails done 2-3 days before our session, hair the day before (bath scene doesn't require this option), and make sure if you are getting professional makeup done to set your appointment 3 hours before our session. Makeup takes an hour or more depending on the artist and depending on the time frame from your location to mine, give yourself enough time so you are not running around. Arrive 10 min before your appointment time to make sure we do not fall behind schedule. Thanks!! 

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Day in the Life of Oliver Jude Roses

Ok, Oliver is going to be officially 20 months this 26th and I have been overly slacking. I need to get back to this photographic blogger journey.

Lets start it off with the little booger who made me stop. 

Welcome to a Day in the Life of Oliver Jude Roses! 

As much as I would like to say this is a daily journey, we took a day off from sitting at home playing with crayons and watching tv. Here we went on a beautiful trip to Monkey Jungle.

Oliver got a rude awakening that we weren't sleeping in that day but after a bottle of milk he was ready to get this day started. 

Time to go! Oliver swears he knew where he is going, took off like he had somewhere to go.

Upon Arriving, our first stop was the exhibit by the pond. Few interesting facts but Ollie was more caught up with the 20-40 monkeys jumping around than what the lady was saying. 

Oh look! Koi fish!

Ok, here is the grand tour of the day!
I really thought that he was going to be a bit more problematic but to my surprise, he bonded quite well with the monkeys. Actually, I think they took him is as one of their own. 

You guys !! I found the food!! 

Move over monkey!! These are mine!

You, you can have one. 


Is there more to see around this place or are we going home?

We continued walking around for a bit but the time was almost over, we had to now go pick up big brother Jaiden.

I am glad to say, this trip was one for the books. 

Of course, right before you want to leave is where they notice; hey look, toys! 

Mom, you are allowed to leave. I want to stay here forever! 

But like every story, there must be an ending. With this we ended our journey but right before we left..

Excuse me mister, my mom would like to purchase this for me. Please be so kind to ring it up. 

I would love to personally thank Mr. Carlos Fernandez for such a great time around Monkey Jungle's Amazon tour. We have gone a few times but so far this must've been the best one yet. I am truly blessed to have captured all these amazing images. 

Week 39

Well, as most already know... ️Oliver has arrived! Today is day 3 and I'm just about ready to go home. We are just waiting for the discharge papers.

Let me tell you, I give all the women who do this whole all natural no drugs thing a massive applause. Saturday, April 25th (the day I wanted him to be born) at 10:00pm I start having minor pains, thinking this was like any other day I text ricky telling him about the 3 back to back pains but not to worry they were very minor. Once11:00pm rolled around I am wondering what time he will be out of work, I am already calling the hospital because every 5 minutes these pains are becoming constant. Luckily, my mother arrived to pick up Jaiden at the same time that Ricky arrived home. Here we rush to the hospital and by midnight guess who is admitted into a room. Reaching 3cm and pains being constant I am pleading for pain medication, epidural, anything at all. Unfortunately, I was waiting on the anesthesiologist 

to get out of a c-section. Right when I thought all was lost and I couldn't get the epidural anymore I lost all hope of being sufficient for my baby. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Week 32

With 7 weeks left to go it's getting crucial now. I have a feeling that in 4-6 weeks he will be here. Braxton Hicks have become a daily feeling, more like an hourly feeling but now I'm getting pain. Yup, now there is pain involved. The more I do or the more I stress is the more I feel it. That's it, I am only shooting 1 client per day from here on out until the 28 which is my Easter mini. I won't be surprised if I go into labor that day, I overbooked it and now I'm having a 9 hour day!! With set up at 8:00 and finishing at 5:30 thank god the fire station is on the corner of my house.

On a brighter note the nursery is 90% set up. All we are missing is the closet, it needs the bottom shelf plus I want a lazy suzan installed. Hmm lets see what else is new, well it's not new but this pregnancy I have fallen a lot more than my first. Luckily not on my belly and not a huge fall but here and there little slips and have fallen straight on my butt. I'm pretty much good when it comes to balance its just things in my way or when moping the water and my shoes dont mix well. 

This week I had the pleasure of shooting my sister in laws friends maternity pictures. Both of them and I differ about 2 weeks, one is having a girl and another a boy. It's pretty cool how when we talk it's basically about the same aches and pains and we fully get what we are going through. All 3 of us are 100% different in baby styles I have no theme but I went from a cowgirl theme Saturday and a nautical theme on Sunday :) I think it's pretty funny now that I am almost ready to pop I have had nothing but maternity and newborn sessions. Its like The universe wants us to have something to talk about 

At 32 weeks little booger is as big as a squash ranging from 15.2 - 16.7 inches.

You are getting ready to decent down and you are probably heads down this week. The more you grow the more cramped you will start feeling in there. Oli you could be weighing anywhere from 2.5 - 3.8 pounds already.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 38

Today I make it to week 38, after tomorrow I will be thrilled for him to come out at any time. You made it kid, you are almost a Taurus... Not to toot my own horn but, Your mother is AWESOME!! Toot toot! Hehehe. All that planning paid off and I couldn't be anymore happier.

I know I said I was on "maternity leave" and I have turned down a LOT of sessions but yesterday I had to go shoot. I am the Miami Photographer Manager for a Fashion Magazine which is currently going through rebranding. I thought I'd I showed up late and leave after 2 hours, I could shoot 2-3 girls and get great shots. I arrived at 11:30am and was one of the last ones out at 6ish. That's more than 6 hours!! Let's just say today I am on massive bed rest. My back is currently on fire, every move I make feels like I have a hot knife stabbing me repeatedly. I tried getting up to look for the icy hot but no luck finding the darn thing. Pretty much everything hurts today; from the walking, squatting and getting into my crazy positions everything from my neck, shoulders, back and even legs are feeling it. What a work out. 

I can't even go back to sleep because Ricky's  working and I need to pick up Jaiden from school in a couple of hours.

I can't be more thankful that my mother accompanied me yesterday and chauffeured the models and myself around Miami Beach so we wouldn't have to walk 2-10 blocks where we wanted to shoot. I'm pretty sure the models were extremely thankful also. Hahaha, walking that far in heels and in this heat.. No thank you. 

This week is no different from the last, still waking up at 2 or 3am for my daily pee pee ritual. My stomach is dropping by the day and it's about 4 fingers down already, any day now (I hope). My sweets cravings are now ski rocket. Had a pint of cookie dough icecream (lactose free of course) the other day all to myself and just last night I had another of cookies and cream. I know I shouldn't but my body is now feeling over heated. I can only sleep with 1 sheet over me and the house has to be at 68°. It could be lower but I don't wanna over do it. You now catch me every once in a while standing in front of the refrigerator catching the breeze. 

Breathing is still a task I can't wait to get back and now I'm starting to get a bit of heartburn. I hear that's from the babies hair. This week he's supposed to have an inch of hair already. I hope so because Jaiden was pretty much a bald baby until after his first year. 

Week 38, Oliver Jude Roses you are as big as a watermelon. I don't mean one of the HUGE ones (o_o) talk about a scary thought. Ranging anywhere between 18.9" - 20.9" and weighing along the lines of 6-9 lbs. 

This week you are just growing hair and shedding some white goo on your skin. I have to now keep more of an eye for labor signs, make sure I'm not going through preeclampsia, look out for the bloody show or the lovely water breaking.  

See you soon little booger! 


Just 2 days from turning 39 weeks. Still doing good. Small contractions but nothing big.  

Was turned into a mermaid today. That is all.